- [Feb 2022] -
Our paper
"Using Machine Learning as a Surrogate Model for Agent-Based Simulations",
has been accepted for publication in
- [Feb 2022] -
I will be leading a Turing Network Development Award by The Alan Turing Institute - EPSRC
[news coverage 1]
[news coverage 2]
[news coverage 3]
- [Nov 2021] -
I have been invited as a Speaker and Chair of the session on "Artificial Intelligence approaches in neurology" at the
8th European Academy of Neurology Congress - Europe 2022, to be held in Vienna in June 2022
- [Sep 2021] -
Our paper
"Integrating genome-scale metabolic modelling and transfer learning for human gene regulatory network reconstruction"
has been accepted for publication in
- Download postprint PDF
- Full text access
- [Sep 2021] -
Our paper
"Protocol for Hybrid Flux Balance, Statistical and Machine Learning Analysis of Multi-Omic Data from Cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002"
has been accepted for publication in
STAR Protocols
- [Sep 2021] -
I have been invited to the PNAS early career researcher focus panel, to be held in September 2021.
- [Aug 2021] -
Our paper
"Genome-scale metabolic modelling of SARS-CoV-2 in cancer cells reveals an increased shift to glycolytic energy production"
has been accepted for publication in
FEBS Letters
- [July 2021] -
Our paper
"Situating Agent-Based Modelling in Population Health Research"
has been accepted for publication in
Emerging Themes in Epidemiology
- [June 2021] -
Invited to join the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Systems Biology
as an Associate Editor.
- [June 2021] -
Invited to the Program Committee of CIBB 2021, 15-17 November, 2021
- [May 2021] -
Invited talk
"Predicting optimal engineering strategies through metabolic modelling and machine learning"
at the Engineering Biology for High Value Biorenewables workshop, University of York, UK
- [May 2021] -
Our paper
"Modeling Customer Experience in Contact Center through Process Log Mining"
has been accepted for publication in
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
- [May 2021] -
Keynote talk
"Deep learning approaches to predict the cell metabolic phenotype"
at the IEEE 10th Joint Symposium on Computational Intelligence (JSCI10), IEEE-CIS Thailand
- [Apr 2021] -
Our paper
"Multimodal regularised linear models with flux balance analysis for mechanistic integration of omics data"
has been accepted for publication in
- Full text access
- Download postprint PDF
- Download supplementary material PDF
- [Apr 2021] -
Our paper
"An integrated approach to adaptive control and supervisory optimisation of HVAC control systems for demand response applications",
has been accepted for publication in
- [Mar 2021] -
Our paper
"Dissecting the transcriptome in cardiovascular disease"
has been accepted for publication in
Cardiovascular Research
- [Mar 2021] -
Our paper
"Integrated multi-omics analysis of ovarian cancer using variational autoencoders"
has been accepted for publication in
Scientific Reports
- [Dec 2020] -
Congratulations to Supreeta for successfully defending her PhD thesis viva!
Many thanks to Dr Jags Pandhal and Dr The Anh Han for examining the thesis.
- [Nov 2020] -
Our paper
"A hybrid flux balance analysis and machine learning pipeline elucidates the metabolic response of cyanobacteria to different growth conditions"
has been accepted for publication in
- [Oct 2020] -
THYME case study on using AI and microbial community modelling to improve the efficacy of probiotics in the gut
- [Aug 2020] -
Associate Editor for BMC Bioinformatics
- [Jun 2020] - Our paper
"A mechanism-aware and multi-omic machine learning pipeline characterizes yeast cell growth"
has been accepted for publication in
PNAS - [news release 1]
[news release 2]
- Download PDF (postprint)
- [Jun 2020] -
Invited to join the Editorial Board of BioMed Research International
- [Feb 2020] -
Guest Editor, MDPI Metabolites. Special issue on "Metabolic Modelling: Methods, Applications and Future Perspectives"
- [Feb 2020] - Our paper "Discovering essential multiple gene effects through large scale optimization: an application to human cancer metabolism" has been accepted for publication in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
- [Nov 2019] - Talk at the AI and Blockchain Event, Teesside University, UK
- [Nov 2019] - Seminar "Combining metabolic modelling and machine learning for mechanism-aware predictions of cell behaviour" at the Department of Biology, University of York, UK
- [Oct 2019] - Talk "Integrating transcriptomic data with metabolic modelling and machine learning for
mechanistic insights into cell behaviour" at the EU CardioRNA COST Action meeting, Istanbul, Turkey
- [Sep 2019] - Keynote talk "Exploiting machine/deep learning and in silico mechanistic modelling in biotechnology" at the
Data-Driven Decision Making for Bioprocessing event, Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies, UK
- [Aug 2019] - Invited to the Program Committee of AAAI-20, New York, USA, February 7-12, 2020
- [July 2019] - Paper "Machine and deep learning meet genome-scale metabolic modelling" now published in PLOS Computational Biology
- [June 2019] - Our extended abstract "Combining metabolic modelling with machine learning accurately predicts yeast growth rate" has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of IWBDA 2019, University of Cambridge, UK, 8-10 July, 2019
- [May 2019] - Our BBSRC CBMNet Proof of Concept case study
- [May 2019] - Paper "Human systems biology and metabolic modelling: a review - from disease metabolism to precision medicine" accepted for publication in BioMed Research International
- [May 2019] -
Congratulations to Kanika Saini and Mahmud Naina for the 2019 runner-up prize from the British Computer Society for our project "Machine learning and multi-omic modelling of lung cancer" at ExpoTees!
- [May 2019] - Talk at Final CBMNet event - University of Sheffield, UK, May 2019
- [Jan 2019] - Talk at NorthernBUG meeting - Newcastle University, UK, January 2019
- [Dec 2018] - Paper "Social Dynamics Modeling of Chrono-nutrition" accepted for publication in PLOS Computational Biology
- [Dec 2018] - Paper "In silico engineering of Pseudomonas metabolism reveals new biomarkers for increased biosurfactant production" published in PeerJ - Featured in
- [Nov 2018] - Paper "The poly-omics of ageing through individual-based metabolic modelling" published in BMC Bioinformatics
- [May 2018] - Talk "Integrating machine learning and metabolic modelling for biomedicine and biotechnology" at
Demystifying Maths and Stats for Bioscientists - A Short Course Supported by BBSRC, Newcastle University, UK
- [Feb 2018] - GEMsplice featured in OmicTools
- [Feb 2018] - Invited to the Program Committee of CIBB 2018, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, September 6-8, 2018
- [Jan 2018] - Invited to the Program Committee of VEMDP 2018 @ CAV 2018, part of FLoC 2018, University of Oxford, UK, July 19, 2018
- [Dec 2017] - Our work on combining machine learning and metabolic modelling featured in
- [Dec 2017] - Talk "Machine-learning driven analysis and optimisation of metabolic networks" at the CBMNet Event: Factories for advanced biomanufacturing, University of Sheffield, UK
- [Dec 2017] - Invited to the Program Committee of IJCAI-ECAI-18, Stockholm, Sweden, July 13-19, 2018
- [Nov 2017] - Paper "A poly-omics machine-learning method to predict metabolite production in CHO cells" accepted for IECM-2
- [Nov 2017] - Book chapter "Optimisation of multi-omic genome-scale models: methodologies, hands-on tutorial and perspectives" published in Metabolic Network Reconstruction and Modeling, Springer, 2017
- [Oct 2017] -
Poster "A poly-omics machine-learning method to predict protein production in CHO cells" at BioProNET 4th annual science meeting, University of Warwick, UK
- [Oct 2017] -
Paper "Modelling pyruvate dehydrogenase under hypoxia and its role in cancer metabolism" accepted for publication in Royal Society Open Science
- [Sep 2017] -
Paper "Integrating splice-isoform expression into genome-scale models characterizes breast cancer metabolism" accepted for publication in Bioinformatics
- [Sep 2017] -
Talk at the BBSRC IBCarb workshop on Bioactive Polysaccharides, University of Cambridge, UK
- [Aug 2017] -
Invited talk and tutorial: "Integrating transcriptomic and codon usage data for better therapeutic target characterisation of Clostridium difficile", MIMOmics Summer School 2017, University of Cambridge, UK
- [Feb 2017] -
Talk at King's College London
- [Jan 2017] -
Paper "Making life difficult for Clostridium difficile: augmenting the pathogen's metabolic model with transcriptomic and codon usage data for better therapeutic target characterization" accepted for publication in BMC Systems Biology
- [Jan 2017] -
Invited to the Program Committee of Complex Networks 2017, Université de Lyon, France
- [Dec 2016] -
Invited to the Program Committee of CIBB 2017, the 14th conference on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, University of Cagliari, Italy
- [Sep 2016] -
Marianna Taffi and our paper "Bioremediation in marine ecosystems: a computational study combining ecological modelling and flux balance analysis" won the MCED Award for Innovative Contributions to
Ecological Modelling
- [Sep 2016] -
Paper "Bioremediation in marine ecosystems: a computational study combining ecological modeling and flux balance analysis" selected for a spotlight talk at MASAMB 2016, University of Cambridge, UK
- [Sep 2016] -
Invited to the Program Committee of MASAMB 2016, the 26th workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge, UK
- [Aug 2016] -
Paper "Multiplex methods provide effective integration of multi-omic data in genome-scale models" featured in Atlas of Science
- [Jul 2016] -
Project Condition-specific engineering of Pseudomonas metabolism with TeeGene Biotech, funded by BBSRC CBMNet, £20K
- [Jul 2016] -
Italy Made Me 2016 research award - Italian Embassy, London UK [news coverage 1]
[news coverage 2 - in Italian]
[news coverage 3 - in Italian]
- [Jul 2016] -
Paper "Using survival analysis to identify disrupted metabolic pathways in breast cancer" accepted for oral presentation at ICSB 2016: International Conference on Systems Biology, Barcelona, Spain, September 16-20
- [Jun 2016] -
Paper "Bioinformatics challenges and potentialities in studying extreme environments" accepted for publication in LNBI vol. 9874
- [May 2016] -
My project "Multivariate machine learning for lung cancer big data" won the hackathon for Roy Castle lung cancer foundation held at Sunderland Software Centre and Barclays Headquarters, London, UK
- [May 2016] -
ABTA Doctoral Researcher Award 2016, UCL London, UK
- [Mar 2016] -
Invited talk at The UK's National Biologics Manufacturing Centre, Darlington, UK
- [Feb 2016] -
Invited talk at ECMTB 2016 - European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Nottingham, UK, July 11-15, 2016
- [Feb 2016] -
I am Chair of the Tool Track at CMSB 2016 - 14th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, 21-23 September 2016, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
- [Feb 2016] -
I am in the Program Committee of Complex Networks 2016 - 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, 30 November - 02 December 2016, Milan, Italy
- [Feb 2016] -
Paper "Multiplex methods provide effective integration of multi-omic data in genome-scale models"
accepted for publication in BMC Bioinformatics!
- [Jan 2016] -
Paper "Iterative multi-level calibration of metabolic networks" accepted for publication in Current Bioinformatics!
- [Dec 2015] -
Paper "Multiplex multi-omic networks" accepted for an oral presentation at CompleNet 2016: 7th Workshop on Complex Networks, Dijon, France, March 23-25, 2016
- [Oct 2015] -
Paper "Predictive analytics of environmental adaptability in multi-omic network models" accepted for publication in Nature Scientific Reports!
- [Sep 2015] -
Paper "Multi-target analysis and design of mitochondrial metabolism" accepted for publication in PLoS One!
- [Jun 2015] -
Paper "A hybrid of metabolic flux analysis and Bayesian factor modeling for multi-omics temporal pathway activation" accepted for publication in ACS Synthetic Biology!
- [Feb 2015] -
Paper "Analysis and Design of Molecular Machines" accepted for publication in Theoretical Computer Science!
Paper "Bioremediation in marine ecosystems: a computational study combining ecological modelling and flux balance analysis" accepted for publication in Frontiers in Genetics - Systems Biology!
(and featured in Basler and Simeonidis' commentary article)
Paper "Bose-Einstein Condensation in Satisfiability Problems" featured in Le Scienze - Scientific American
Paper "Satisfiability by Maxwell-Boltzmann and Bose-Einstein Statistical Distributions" accepted for publication in ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics!
Heidelberg Laureate Forum! Abel-, Fields-, Nevanlinna- and Turing- Laureates!
I am one of the 100 students invited across all the undergraduates, graduates and post-graduates worldwide!
[list of participating Laureates] [photo gallery]
[with Vincent Cerf] [scientific concert]
[talking with Charles Bachman (pardon my back)]
[laureates parade] [laureates parade 2]
[Image Film]
American Chemical Society Introducing our authors!
Best paper award at The Alan Turing Centenary Conference in Manchester!
Award presented by Sir Roger Penrose! [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo]
Prize 2011 for the best thesis at the Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science of the University of Catania!